
The shed floor is strong enough on which to hold a small barn dance ...if I had a barn ...or danced.

At this point, Susan is strongly suggesting that I take a hike.  She wants me to get in a car and drive away ...somewhere.  I have planned a trip north to do some hiking into national parks I have never visited.

The problem is that the build and the heat in which I was working, has left me sore and hurting.  In addition, I took a hike two weeks ago and was left with a tremendous blister on one big toe.

I have been trying to heal.  In the middle of my build, and after my hike, Susan and I had to take annual blood tests.  The blood tests showed a great increase in a certain enzyme that indicates inflammation.  This CAN indicate some serious issues.  I believe it just might have been due to the fact that every muscle and joint in my body was in pain.  My blister, though I was caring for it, became infected.  Yesterday, I got a tetanus shot in my arm, and an wide-spectrum antibiotic shot in my ...not arm.

Some goals of my Time have been met:  I have lost track of the day of the week; I have begun collecting tools, and building to make room for my woodshop.  Susan and I have spent PLENTY of quality time together.

But, I am missing God.  I have lost myself in other things, but not in God.  I hoped to spend time alone with the divine, but all I have done is to spend it alone.

I miss worship.  I miss conversations with my congregants and my co-workers.  I miss the "routine" of my prayer time.

So, I'm working on foundations; in my life, family and feet, rest and work, body and spirit.
